Education shapes the society by leading new generation towards the changing social environment. If you invest in education today, it will benefit the generations to come. While understanding the scenario of today’s education at its best, Dharmanandan
Diamonds frequently organizes educational motivation programs. As a part of its yearly CSR agenda, on 3rd March the company came up with its 4th Encouraging Education Seminar ‘Power of Youth’ for the students who are studying
in 10th, 12th & graduation.
The event took placed at Samast Patidar Samaj, Surat with the presence of the Mayor of Surat City, Shri Niranjan Zanzmera who inaugurated the event along with Padma Shri Award winner Shri Mathurbhai Savani, Chairman
and Vice Chairman of Dharmanandan Diamonds, Shri Laljibhai Patel & Shri Tulsibhai Goti respectively.
Mr. Hitesh Patel, Managing Director of the company has welcomed all guests and mentors of the evening Mr. Jay Vasavda and Mr. Shailesh Sagpariya. Both the mentors shared the idea of real education, which should be understood not only by the students but
by the parents also.
While concluding the event, Mr. Hitesh Patel explained the anticipation of parents in each student’s life. He added that people have a fundamental need to feel connected or related to other people. In an academic environment,
research shows that students who feel 'beloved' have a higher degree of intrinsic motivation and academic confidence.
The idea behind this yearly seminar is to provide encouragement to students and parents that allow student autonomy can foster increased interest, enjoyment, engagement and performance.